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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

SimonSez: Kulick Fallout?

Could Kelly Kulick’s win at the PBA Tournament of Champions actually hurt the chance for a pro women’s tour?

It’s obvious her win was a shot in the arm for bowling in general. But there have been skeptics. We’ve already documented David Whitley’s vile and ignorant column in Fanhouse. But there are some bigwigs in the bowling industry who say Kulick’s win may actually kill the chance for a full time professional women’s bowling tour.

A source at the USBC who wished to remain anonymous was pleased about the event but had a bit of pessimism.

I agree that Kelly's skill and Tom's publicity ability have hit a home run for bowling. If there is a negative side at all it is only that this may serve as evidence that there is no need for a women's only tour or any other gender based bowling venue. I am not sure we are ready for that but maybe putting all eggs in one basket is all the industry can afford to support right now. Maybe it will even prove to be true in the long run.

A good friend of Bowling Hood and the sport, a man who has owned and runs a business that grosses more than the PBA in a year, also was skeptical.

One fact may come back to haunt the PBA. The fact that a woman beat one of the best bowlers of all time (or so they say) it may hurt the sport in a negative way! Never know huh?

Kulick’s win does not have any real impact right now. What has to happen is for her and other female bowlers to make PBA telecasts on a regular basis. Consistency drives the stake of memory into people’s minds. If that doesn’t happen, Kulick’s win will be a blip on the bowling and PBA history screen.

Register and discuss here.

And if you didn’t have enough Kelly Kulick in your life, here’s a blast from the past – her appearance in the 1998 College Women’s Championship. St. Louisans note – the announcers are Jay Randolph and Bo Burton – even that rare combo is worth the view!

1 comment:

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