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Tuesday, October 27, 2009

ALERT: Gary Voss on KTRS "The McGraw Show" this morning

St. Louis Bowling Proprietors Exec. Director Gary Voss will appear this morning at 7:50 on KTRS radio's "The McGraw Show".

He'll be talking about the St. Louis County Proposition N referendum, and it comes off his appearance yesterday at KMOX. Video of that appearance will be posted shortly.

1 comment:

  1. These people have the same tunnel vision the government now has. I dont care about you its just about ME. If one thought that 50% of the 75% of non-smokers would begin frequenting our establishments then we would be a fool to oppose this. Since the one chap said he would not come to a bowling center smoking or not I'd have to say that most people who do not come in now would not or will not come in if there is no smoking. Has anyone read this, unless I have a bad copy this encompasses a lot more than bowling centers,(but not casinos), the definition of Sports Arenas, "outdoor athletic fields" i.e. Afton Athletic Complex, St. Louis Soccer Park, Fenton City Park, on or around any walking or hiking trail, and I dare say any public golf course. If you're old and frail in a nursing home its ok too but the employees cnt come into the room to help you for thats a violation of their rights. Can I fire or not hire a smoker because I fear that he or she will need to take a break every hour and cheat me out of time? It's not the smoker that is causing the smoke it's the tobacco,ban the tobacco not the use of it. No one said this transformer has PCPs so dont go near it, no they outlawed the PCPs.
